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TV is part of the American fabric, and your new TV could be your family’s best friend for years to come. So no — this isn’t like buying a toaster oven — you’re going to want to get this right, and that’s what our 2018 TV Buying Guide is all about. After all, before you spend thousands of hours watching it, you'll want to spend a few choosing it.

What is 4K TV? Is OLED worth it? What about OLED vs. LED? And the biggie: what TV should you buy? Our goal is to de-mystify and simplify. If you don’t need to know it, we’re not going to tell it. If it’s a minor detail but still good to know, we’ll point it out.

In the end, we won’t know which TV is best for you. But you will, and that’s the whole idea.

  • Price Range
  • TV Size
  • LED or OLED

TV is part of the American fabric, and your new TV could be your family’s best friend for years to come. So no — this isn’t like buying a toaster oven — you’re going to want to get this right, and that’s what our 2018 TV Buying Guide is all about. After all, before you spend thousands of hours watching it, you'll want to spend a few choosing it.

What is 4K TV? Is OLED worth it? What about OLED vs. LED? And the biggie: what TV should you buy? Our goal is to de-mystify and simplify. If you don’t need to know it, we’re not going to tell it. If it’s a minor detail but still good to know, we’ll point it out.

In the end, we won’t know which TV is best for you. But you will, and that’s the whole idea.

Once upon a time, the family sofa determined how big or small the TV should be. (As in: the further away the sofa, the bigger the TV.) But today’s TVs are rewriting all the rules, so that’s over.

TV is part of the American fabric, and your new TV could be your family’s best friend for years to come. So no — this isn’t like buying a toaster oven — you’re going to want to get this right, and that’s what our 2018 TV Buying Guide is all about. After all, before you spend thousands of hours watching it, you'll want to spend a few choosing it.

What is 4K TV? Is OLED worth it? What about OLED vs. LED? And the biggie: what TV should you buy? Our goal is to de-mystify and simplify. If you don’t need to know it, we’re not going to tell it. If it’s a minor detail but still good to know, we’ll point it out.

In the end, we won’t know which TV is best for you. But you will, and that’s the whole idea.

OLED vs. LED black levels

Choose OLED or LED

TV is part of the American fabric, and your new TV could be your family’s best friend for years to come. So no — this isn’t like buying a toaster oven — you’re going to want to get this right, and that’s what our 2018 TV Buying Guide is all about. After all, before you spend thousands of hours watching it, you'll want to spend a few choosing it.

What is 4K TV? Is OLED worth it? What about OLED vs. LED? And the biggie: what TV should you buy? Our goal is to de-mystify and simplify. If you don’t need to know it, we’re not going to tell it. If it’s a minor detail but still good to know, we’ll point it out.

In the end, we won’t know which TV is best for you. But you will, and that’s the whole idea.


LED TVs are less expensive than OLED TVs, though OLED prices are coming down.


LED TVs are backlit, which means a light shines through a panel of crystals to create the picture. OLED TVs are not backlit. Instead, every single pixel in an OLED 4K TV (and we’re talking 8,847,360 pixels in all) turns on and off and adjusts on its own. The result = picture that is far superior and more lifelike.


LEDs and OLEDs both work well in all lighting conditions. LEDs are especially good in well-lit spaces and can be made even brighter for sunny Florida rooms. OLED is spectacular in dimmer rooms.


Given LED TVs cannot go completely dark, shadow detail suffers. With OLED, colors pop, black is true black (which is huge), and contrast and shadow detail are true to life.

TV is part of the American fabric, and your new TV could be your family’s best friend for years to come. So no — this isn’t like buying a toaster oven — you’re going to want to get this right, and that’s what our 2018 TV Buying Guide is all about. After all, before you spend thousands of hours watching it, you'll want to spend a few choosing it.

What is 4K TV? Is OLED worth it? What about OLED vs. LED? And the biggie: what TV should you buy? Our goal is to de-mystify and simplify. If you don’t need to know it, we’re not going to tell it. If it’s a minor detail but still good to know, we’ll point it out.

In the end, we won’t know which TV is best for you. But you will, and that’s the whole idea.

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